Unblocked gay test

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its original and will now launch My Wedding Stories in the Russian market “unchanged and unchanged”. With the outrage showing no signs of abating – and a petition gathering more than 10,000 signatures – EA has finally addressed the customer’s concerns, confirming that it has reevaluated the decision. The Sims 4 My Wedding Stories – Official Reveal Trailer. Some people ask why Russia was disqualified while other countries have equally prohibitive anti-LGBT+ laws, but the most commonly cited point of confusion is the simple fact that Russia’s law – supposedly designed designed to protect children from gay content – does not apply to games rated 18+, as was the case with The Sims 4 in the region.

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the country’s regulatory regime for LGBT+ content – and is delaying the expansion’s release in all territories to next Wednesday, February 23.ĮA and developer Maxis decided to ignore the Russian market rather than being forced to compromise their vision regarding the LGBT+ couple-centered wedding expansion Camille and Dominique was initially welcomed – but the Confusion, and then anger, quickly appeared in the Russian language of The Sims 4’s player base.

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Following community backlash, EA has announced it’s reversing its decision to skip the launch of The Sims 4’s new wedding-themed DLC in Russia – a move that was initially claimed to be due to limited legislation.

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